Christmas wallpapers are a great way to get into the spirit of the holidays and you can download them free right to your desktop. If you work on a computer every day you will be able to view this wallpaper each time you see the main screen. This is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit as there are many different themes you can typically choose from and download. The free Christmas wallpapers are available on many different web sites and you can expect to see some of the popular themes of all time. These themes include Santa, snow, Christmas trees, colorful strings of lights, and much more. One of the most memorable themes is winter wonderland that is usually a picture that is full of snow flakes falling in the background with plenty of white along the trees, houses, and Santa's sleigh. It is very easy to download Christmas wallpapers straight to your desktop. First just search for the particular wallpaper that you would like from various web sites that offer them free. Many of the sites are sorted by categories, so you can click on the Christmas category or even search for something more specific like "snow falling". Once you have located the wallpaper you want to download, you will probably have the option to click on "download to desktop" and it will automatically set that picture as your new desktop image. If you do not see that option, you can always just right click on the picture and choose the option "Set As Desktop Background".